Analysis of Movement Quality with Transfemoral Osseointegrated Prostheses

Web Administration Research Studies

Study Location
University of Maryland – College Park, MD

Research Objective
To determine if, in comparison to using a standard socket-based transfemoral prosthesis, an osseointegrated prosthesis reduces the metabolic cost of walking, improves the symmetry of walking gait and/or reduces loading of the intact limb and lower back

Eligibility Criteria
We are seeking individuals with unilateral (single leg) above-knee limb loss who walk with a prosthetic limb, either a traditional socket-based prosthesis or an osseointegrated (bone-anchored) prosthesis.

Additional eligibility criteria are:

  • Must be between 18-65 years of age
  • Must not be diagnosed with hypertension or metabolic syndrome
  • At least 18 months since most recent amputation or revision surgery
  • Must be cleared medically to walk with no assistance other than a prosthesis
  • Must not have any major chronic issues other than limb loss that affect walking ability
  • Must have at least six months experience with current prosthesis used for walking
  • Must be assigned a K-level 3 or 4


  • Participants receive $500 cash immediately upon completing the study.
  • Additional lodging and travel compensation is available (some restrictions apply)

Enrollment Closes

Time Commitment
2-hour session (in person)

Contact Person
Ross Miller | Email: | Phone: 413-259-5667

How to Participate
See recruitment flyer or contact Dr. Ross Miller