Upcoming Educational Webinars


Assistive Technology in the Workplace: Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab TourAssistive Technology in the Workplace: Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab Tour

Are you wondering which assistive technology is available to you within the workplace? Accessibility Program Manager, Solomon Romney, will be providing a virtual tour of the Inclusive Tech Lab in Redmond, WA. He will provide an overview of assistive technology that can be used in the workplace for individuals with limb loss and limb difference.

Date: June 5, 2024 – 5:00 PM ET

Register: https://amputee-coalition.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_S5BQofWHQjSR5utyzHp2ag


  • Solomon Romney is the Accessibility Program Manager for the Inclusive Tech Lab at Microsoft.
  • Trenaya Reid is the Workforce Development Manager at the Amputee Coalition.
  • Paula Golladay is a Workforce Development Program Volunteer at the Amputee Coalition.

Our webinars cover topics related to amputation and people living with limb loss and limb difference, from sepsis and physical activity to technology and advocacy, there’s something relevant for you. Our presenters include clinical experts, topic experts like the TSA and travel, and members of our staff, all with materials developed just for you.

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