inMotion Magazine

Finding Purpose 45 The pivotal event was the first sports clinic, which I attended in September 2014. This past September was my fourth summer clinic, when I was selected as ambassador. I also attended a winter sports clinic in Aspen last year, where I went skiing for the first time. During my time at the clinic, I learned activities like surfing, kayaking, sailing, and even swimming. My confidence grew tremendously. Like every other situation in my recovery, I made up my mind that I would try anything. My new motto was: “Bring it on and just do it!” During my time at the clinic, I met many other veterans who were much more seriously injured than I was – it was then that I realized there were absolutely no obstacles for me. In fact, I now feel that there is very little that I can’t do. Since achieving my goal of biking again, I have set my sights on a new mission. Today, I serve as an advocate for bike and driving safety. I help to bring awareness to the dangers of distracted drivers, including changes in texting laws. I am advocating for new laws to outlaw the use of hand-held devices while driving. I am currently working with the local police to speak to students and civic groups about the dangers of distracted driving. I believe that cell phone use laws are not nearly strong enough. There must be more done in light of the startling rise in injuries like mine. I tell fellow veterans often, particularly those coping with debilitating injuries, “You can’t let fear stand in your way! Take it from someone who knows – you can do more than you think, because the only limitations you have are the ones you create!” I still thank God every day for the VA, and for allowing me to recover and inspire others. Today, I am proud to have been selected as an Ambassador for the National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic (NVSSC) . I enjoy connecting with other veteran participants and caregivers as I help them navigate through their trepidation, help them reach their goals, and ultimately help them obtain the maximum therapeutic benefit of the NVSSC. I received a letter on June 5, 2017, from Congressman Ted Deutch, congratulating me on being selected for the 2017 National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic in San Diego, California. I am proud and honored to be a member of the Ambassador Program, as I continue to inspire other veterans I cross paths with. I look back today and see that my accident was a blessing in disguise, to help and encourage others who have been faced with similar trials and obstacles. Larry and members of the West Palm Beach Rehab Team