Amputee Coalition Digital Publications

Above Knee Amputation

Above-Knee Amputation: Beginning Your New Journey

This booklet is an introductory guide to help individuals who have recently lost a limb above the knee in their recovery. The booklet offers an overview of the following topics: Rehabilitation, Choosing and working with a prosthetist, Insurance coverage and reimbursement, Prosthetic and assistive device options, Home and vehicle modifications, and more. It is designed to complement the Coalition’s Your New Journey folder.

Below Knee Amputation

Below-Knee Amputation: Beginning Your New Journey

This booklet is an introductory guide to help individuals who have recently lost a limb below the knee in their recovery. The booklet offers an overview of the following topics: Rehabilitation, Choosing and working with a prosthetist, Insurance coverage and reimbursement, Prosthetic and assistive device options, Home and vehicle modifications, and more. It is designed to complement the Coalition’s Your New Journey folder.

Upper Limb Amputation

Upper-Limb Ampuitation: Beginning Your New Journey

This booklet is an introductory guide to help individuals who have recently lost an upper limb in their recovery. The booklet offers an overview of the following topics: Rehabilitation, Choosing and working with a prosthetist, Insurance coverage and reimbursement, Prosthetic and assistive device options, Home and vehicle modifications, and more. It is designed to complement the Coalition’s Your New Journey folder.

Upper Limb Amputation

Being a Caregiver: Beginning Your New Journey

This booklet is an introductory guide to help family and spouses of individuals who have recently lost a limb adjust to their new role. The booklet offers an overview of the topics related to being a family member or spouse of someone with limb loss including: Caring for your loved one, Intimacy and relationships, Coping with the stress of caregiving, Community and support resources. It is designed to complement the Coalition’s Your New Journey folder.