June 2018 Legislative Update

Legislative News at the State Level

Web Administration LimbLine Articles

Happenings in the States

The Amputee Coalition has moved forward in Insurance Fairness for Amputees legislation in all 50 states. We are happy to announce that Connecticut has joined the 20 other states that have previously introduced and passed Insurance Fairness laws. Connecticut’s legislation was signed into law May 25, 2018, and will take effect January 1, 2019. This would not have been possible without the dedicated action, expertise and support of the Connecticut Amputee Network. In addition to the success in Connecticut, the Amputee Coalition is working diligently in Michigan and New York to advance Insurance Fairness legislation. Each state has introduced legislation and is awaiting consideration before the committee of reference. Both Michigan and New York’s legislatures are currently meeting and are not scheduled to adjourn until the end of 2018. We are working with the bills’ sponsors to move the legislation through the legislative process, but we need you to support the efforts.

As we move closer to 2019, we are beginning efforts to introduce Insurance Fairness legislation at the beginning of the coming legislative sessions. States we’ve already received interest from include Alabama, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio and Pennsylvania. For some, this will be the first attempt to introduce and pass Insurance Fairness for Amputees legislation. The Amputee Coalition will also be pursuing a campaign to amend the current Insurance Fairness law in California. The current law is an offer for coverage and we are hoping to change that to bring California’s coverage level up to par compared to other states that have Insurance Fairness laws.

If you’re interested in getting involved in your state advocacy efforts or learning more about our 50 STATES LEAD ADVOCATES program, contact us at amplify@amputee-coalition.org today to get involved!