inMotion Magazine

Finding Strength 11 in 2017, along with experimental chemo, and experienced several setbacks along the way. However, he faces each challenge just as he has faced every one before – with courage and the determination to win. When asked by his doctor if he was ready, Damon quoted Captain America by saying, “I can do this all day!” Damon is a hero in the truest form of the word. He fights for others while suffering himself. He has never let his cancer or amputation get him down. He brings hope and inspiration to everyone he meets – including those he hasn’t met. He even has Captain America (Chris Evans) in his corner. Chris Evans tweeted about Damon and said “I’m sending all my strength your way, Damon!!! Thanks for giving me someone to look up to, buddy! You too, Brian! Family of Champions.” Damon’s cancer is currently spreading, and so many people want to do things to make him happy. However, he uses what free time he has to partner with The Batman of San Antonio & The Bat Alliance (a group of cosplayers) to go around to hospitals and to community events to make other kids feel good. Damon has never let his amputation slow him down. He never gets frustrated when he can’t do something – he just considers the problem until he figures out a solution. For example, just a month after his amputation, instead of getting frustrated by the challenge of trying to pour an Icee at the movie theatre, he figured out a creative way around it. He never gives up, no matter what, and does what he can to inspire others. That, to me, is a hero! Damon (center, foreground) and his friends, The Batman of San Antonio & The Bat Alliance. How to Pour an Icee With One Hand Boogie Bahn Understanding Osteosarcoma Damon on YouTube!