inMotion Magazine

Mobility Saves Ad PU May June Follow us on social media! “Search Mobility Saves” on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Visit . The Study that Started A major study, comparing patients using prosthetics versus patients without prosthetics had these findings: • They will experience greater independence. • They can increase their physical therapy and become less bed-bound. • They will have fewer emergency room admissions and acute care hospital admissions. • They will have lower or comparable Medicare costs than patients who need, but do not receive, these services. Share this significant news by using the educational tools provided at . Mobility Saves Lives And Money! O&P CARE IS A SAVER, NOT AN EXPENSE TO INSURERS! The Results Lower Limb Prosthetics Prosthetic patients experienced better quality of life and increased independence compared to patients who did not receive the prosthesis at essentially no additional cost to Medicare (or other payers). Realize the facts. O&P care improves quality of life and is cost e ective! Learn more at .