inMotion Magazine

Being Informed 13 Never Give Up Hello! My name is Emily. In March 2016, I was in an almost-fatal wreck. Fortunately, all I lost was my leg (above the knee). I’ve had many moments of depression, grief, etc. Now, 18 months later, I feel a lot more hopeful. God has truly given me strength. I look back on my weakest days. Even if all I did was get out of bed, I survived. I hope that you learn not only how to survive, but truly live your life. There is support out there for you. Do not give up, even when it hurts. You aren’t alone. Life isn’t over; it’s just DIFFERENT. Emily shared her story at . My Choice and Chance I’ve never met the individual, “Author Unknown,” but there are certainly a lot of profound statements from this person. One I recently came across was particularly applicable to me: “When something bad happens, you have three choices: You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.” While I no longer have my leg, I’ve realized I continue to have my faith, my family and my friends. I’ve also been given the wake-up call reminding me that tomorrow is not guaranteed and it can end in an instant. So I choose to gather strength from what I have, to have and share a positive attitude, to be grateful for my many blessings, and to celebrate the life I have today. Jim shared his story at . If you or someone you love has experienced challenges in accessing prosthetic care, we want to hear your story. Stories